Thursday, March 29, 2012

Clearing Nlog records from the database

So we came up with logging application events to a database using NLog. Well, it went pretty smoothly, but one sunny day it took more than 5 minutes to get something from the log table. The problem was that development environment puts verbose information there. Probably, adding a special job to sqls server could be a good idea, but we don't really want to overload it.

As a solution for development environment, a new table [NLogLastCleanup] was added to store last time of table cleanup. And the command which enters new records is responsible for old records cleanup now. Also, we pass "cleanup" and "removal" periods via NLog parameters.

   <target name="database" xsi:type="Database" connectionStringName="nlog">  
     --insert log message  
     insert into [dbo].[NLog] ([Date], [Level], [Logger], [User], [Message], [Exception], [MachineName], [Pid])  
     values (@date, @level, @logger, @user, @message, @exception, @machinename, @pid);  
     -- Cleanup old records  
     -- Cleanup should run once per day  
     -- Remove records, which are older than a week  
     declare @lastCleanup datetime  
     select top 1 @lastCleanup = [LastCleanupDate] from [dbo].[NLogLastCleanup]  
     if @lastCleanup < DATEADD(Day, -CAST(@cleanupPeriod as int), GETDATE())   
          update [dbo].[NLogLastCleanup] set [LastCleanupDate] = getdate()  
          delete [dbo].[NLog] where [Date] < DATEADD(Day, -CAST(@removePeriod as int), GETDATE())  
    <parameter name="@cleanupPeriod" layout="1" size="4" scale="0"/>  
    <parameter name="@removePeriod" layout="7" size="4" scale="0"/>  
    <parameter name="@date" layout="${date:format=yyyy\-MM\-dd HH\:mm\:ss.fff}"/>  
    <parameter name="@machinename" layout="${machinename}" />  
    <parameter name="@pid" layout="${processid}" />  
    <parameter name="@level" layout="${level}"/>  
    <parameter name="@logger" layout="${logger}"/>  
    <parameter name="@user" layout="${identity:authType=false:isAuthenticated=false}" />  
    <parameter name="@message" layout="${message}"/>  
    <parameter name="@exception" layout="${plainExceptionFormat}"/>  

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